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Science Olympiad


Science Olympiad is a competition where students participate in various events, with each event consisting of a team of 2-3 members. The main categories of Science Olympiad events are Building Events, Lab Events, and Study Events, and these span over a range of subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and Engineering. The Lab and Building events include (you guessed it) labs and challenges where teams must design a model or device to be tested at the event. Most Lab and Building events also have a collaborative written test.

Despite the name, Science Olympiad isn't limited to those who are STEM-inclined, and its purpose isn't just for learning more about science. Co-head Fiona Richards says, "I've been a part of Science Olympiad since my freshman year, and co-head for two. I found over the years that SciOly is a wonderfully inclusive place, and has events that appeal to so many different types of people (even if you might not think of yourself as a 'STEM kid')." To 2020 Co-head Jon Zhang, "Science Olympiad was one of the most impactful, demanding, yet rewarding activities of my high school career, and through serving as a cohead as well as a member, I will remember the skills, lessons, and friends I developed along the way."


As a member of Science Olympiad, scientific knowledge is not the only benefit to be gained. If any aspects of SciOly are up your alley, or if you have any questions, contact Dr. Gaw or Ms. Anderson at and, or the coheads, Fiona Richards and Ellie Gira at and


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